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现在很难找到合适的语言. It is hard to try to write something as if it is in the past, when I want to keep this amazing feeling present, 我想停留在这一刻. 我为孩子们感到高兴, 为我们的项目和学校感到骄傲,为我们的工作做得很好而感到宽慰,这些都共同作用,使最后几天的醒来变得特别.
The 曲棍球 season is full of ups and downs. 团队会经历一段时间的挣扎, hit stride at the right time and find success, 老实说,有时你会遇到这样的情况,你知道你需要让你的运动员彼此休息一下,因为他们之间的紧张关系似乎越来越高.
从很多方面来看,我们周日在CPSHA全国冠军赛中的比赛都有这些元素. 我们有过一些争执, 我们有张力, 但是由于我们作为一个团队做事的方式,我们在正确的时刻大步前进,从不允许自己放弃. 作为一名教练,我为自己不仅是一个乐观主义者,而且是一个现实的乐观主义者而感到自豪. 我执教过足够多的冰球比赛,因此能够借鉴其他经验,以确保没有什么是不可能的, even a 5-2 deficit in a national final. If you want something bad enough and have worked hard enough for it, 放弃不是一个简单的选择.
Stanstead is a school with a rich tradition, not just in academics but also in athletics and, 在这个领域内, 曲棍球. CPSHA由加拿大各地志同道合的机构组成,他们重视寄宿学生和学生运动员的经历. 最后一个周末, 肖尼根湖学校, 上加拿大学院, 里德利大学, 边境上大学, Bishop’s College School and Rothesay-Netherwood School all converged in St. 凯瑟琳,安大略在雷德利. If you look up the history of these schools, you quickly see that all of us have been at it for a very long time. 我们周四晚上的宴会说明了这个活动的独特性,所有参与的学校都有超过100年的历史. 这是很多传统, 有很多历史, a lot of different boarding school ties, 甚至还有领结.
在冰上,我们起步不稳. 尽管在对阵RNS的比赛中打得相当不错,并且拥有很大的射门优势, the result of the game was not in our favour. In a short tournament this put our backs immediately against the wall. What happened next was a pretty impressive feat, 因为我们在接下来的三场比赛(都是必须赢的比赛)中以3:0战胜了雷德利学院, 1-0 vs 上加拿大学院 and 5-1 vs 肖尼根湖学校. The simple math shows that we gave up 1 goal over three games. We played our brand of 曲棍球 and played it well. 特别是, 我看了我们对肖尼根的比赛,我认为我们的团队比赛接近完美. 我们做得很好,为身边的人踢球,击败了另一支非常优秀的球队. After a trip with the team to Niagara Falls, 我们已经确定将与上加拿大学院争夺全国冠军.
作为教练, 当你进入这些大型游戏时,你会试图找到它与另一款游戏之间的界限,并承认它确实有更多的分量. 两周前的TNPHL决赛, 我们在第一阶段承受了太多的压力,再也没有恢复过来. 吸取教训,对吧??
Nope… The first couple shifts were back and forth, but as the opening 10 minutes of the first period ticked down, UCC showed more speed and were playing better. It felt similar to me, but we had something to work off. We had been here before, we knew what didn’t work. 我觉得我知道其他需要关注的按钮,我们只需要在第一节结束时抬头挺胸, 我们这样做了. 我们陷入了一个2比0的困境,但最后我们先找到了球门,把比分变成了2比1.
I could give a blow by blow of the game, but I will sum it up this way. 我们以2比0,5比2,6比4落后,但最终比分是斯坦斯特德8,上加拿大学院6. 动量从一边转移到另一边. We had every reason to take on a mindset that it wasn’t our day, but we didn’t ever take our eye off the prize. Our bench got frustrated, but that was out of wanting to succeed. 人们不喜欢我们的现状,我们只需要找到火花,我们做到了.
Late in the third period with about 8 minutes left, we took the lead and we never looked back, in a shootout of a game I felt like we locked in defensively. We struggled at times throughout this game but we never quit, 事情一开始并没有如我们所愿, but we didn’t allow negativity to take over. It tried to, but leaders lead and people played for each other.
边境上大学 is national champions. 我喜欢听到这句话. I don’t take the work involved to get there for granted, 我知道这种感觉只有一支球队能在周末感受到. 这是一种荣誉,但无论输赢,这群斯巴达人永远是值得骄傲的. 2024年是神奇的一年. We have found consistency and cohesion, and I think above so many things we are playing for the joy of the game. 从年初我们表彰前教练彼得·博伊德到今天, 47 hours after the start of the final game at the CPSHA we have had moments, 但正如博伊德教练所说, 正如我在最后一场比赛之前所说的, the opportunity to be a part of the Stanstead family is special. 输赢都不会改变这一点, but there is no denying the phrase that champions walk together forever.
享受散步吧,先生们, 自豪地戴上你的戒指, 永远记住,你们所取得的成就,是作为一支永不放弃的年轻人队伍取得的.